The case of Jack the Ripper has remained unsolved for more than a hundred years, and it sometimes seems that there are more theories on his identity than there were years which passed since the murders were committed. Theories implicating everyone from a member of royalty to a well-known doctor abound. Conspiracy theories are no less acundant. Perhaps it is this opening for conjecture which lures people by the thousands to study and become involved in the case -- for, unless some startling and revolutionary piece of evidence arises, none of these theories, no matter how outlandish, can truly be disproven.
Please note this list describes only suspects who we have completed work on, NOT ALL SUSPECTS. As new pages are created, new names will be listed here below.
Montague John Druitt
Frederick Bailey Deeming
'The Lodger'
'Jill the Ripper'
-- others to follow --
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Stephen P Ryder